Cooking with Bison
There is no reason to be buffaloed when cooking with bison. As many chefs will attest, bison is a delicious and healthy substitute in any recipe that calls for beef. A couple of simple tips are helpful in cooking with bison.
There is no reason to be buffaloed when cooking with bison. As many chefs will attest, bison is a delicious and healthy substitute in any recipe that calls for beef. A couple of simple tips are helpful in cooking with bison.
The delicious taste of bison begins on the native rangelands and pastures of North America. Mother Nature perfected bison over thousands of years to produce flavorful, healthy meat from the native grasses and other plants in our ecosystem. All bison spend the majority of their lives on these native pastures.
It was nearly a century ago that the British agriculturalist, Sir. Albert Howard, made the notable statement, “Nature never tries to farm without animals.” Nowhere is that statement more evident than across the ecosystem of North America. Native grasslands comprise more than 40 percent of North America’s natural landscape. The grasses covering these open landscapes …
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One of the most common words of advice given to new bison producers is, “You can make a bison go anywhere it wants to go.” Because bison are undomesticated, they must be handled very carefully to prevent injuries to both animals and handlers. In fact, the more stress applied to bison, the more dangerous the …
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The image of bison roaming across an endless prairie is a strong symbol of our American landscape before the settlement by pioneers in the 1800’s. No doubt, these American icons evolved through the centuries to live in harmony with the natural ecosystem of North America. Why, then, are bison in commercial herds sometimes kept in …
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Much has been written through the years about the role that conservationists played in pulling bison back from the brink of extinction. Less known is the role that a handful of individual ranchers played as the 1800’s came to a close. In the East, conservationists like William Hornaday, George Bird Grinnell and Teddy Roosevelt grew …
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To understand the full story, we have to go back more than 120 years. As the 1800’s came to a close, the American bison teetered on the brink of extinction. The more than 30 million animals roaming North America at one time had been decimated to the point where fewer than 600 remained alive. Roughly …
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In 2017 the NBA Science and Research Committee committed to developing a thorough review of existing bison research literature. With support from the National Buffalo Foundation, the Committee hired Dr. Gerald Huntington to facilitate the review. According to Dr. Huntington, “I began the project with broad literature searches, to cast a wide net. The key …
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