3 Suns Bison Ranch – Final Dispersal Bison Auction – Bidding Closes

3 Suns Bison Ranch – Final Dispersal Bison Auction – Punta Gorda, Florida
Online Bidding Closes 3:00 pm EST, Monday November 30, 2020
Buffalo located at 3 Suns Ranch, 2351 SR 31, Punta Gorda, FL.
Selling the remaining 92+- head of Bison including 57+- cows and 35+- mixed weanling calves.
Note: Selling at Online Only Public Auction, see www.bradeenauction.com for details. These predominately young cows were originally purchased from reputation herds including North Star, Beaver Creek, Carolina Bison, CB Buffalo, Heim, Jerde, Trynowski, Bollinger, Step and others. The 6000+ acre south Florida ranch provides an abundance of feed & water.
Contact Ranch Forman Adam at 941-737-9099 for showing and/or info. Selling in lots to suit the buyers. ID tags to travel & health papers provided, Contact DVM Pam Wise at 863-990-5063 for info. Register and bid early, note the 3:00pm EST closing!