North Dakota Buffalo Association, Annual consignment auction

The North Dakota Buffalo Association's 1st Annual Simulcast Production Auction will take place on Friday, Dec. 15th in Bismarck, ND at the Ramkota Hotel. There are 9 consignors to the sale with just over 230 animals being consigned. Bradeen Auctions will be hosting the Auction and bidding is available live at the hotel as well as online at For a complete list of animals and information check out Bradeen Auction or go to There are a good number of feeder calves and yearlings being offered along with some exceptional 2yr old bred heifers and breeding quality yearling  heifers and heifer calves. Don't miss out!

Consignment Numbers: (48) Heifer Calves (83) Bull Calves (18) Yearling Heifers (14) Yearling Bulls (61) Two Year Old Bred Heifers (2) Two Year Old Grade Bulls (1) Two Year Old Breeding Bull (10) Mature Bred Cows (1) Mature Open Cow.