Carcass Breakdown Demonstration Set for National Bison Association Conference
Chef to Show Ranchers Specialized Butchering Techniques
Westminster, CO (January 20, 2015) – Ranchers and guest attending the National Bison Association annual meeting on Friday will pick up some tips on “how to make the cut” in quality meat, as a local chef and butchery instructor is scheduled to conduct a breakdown demonstration on two portions of a bison carcass at 9 a.m. at the Denver Renaissance Hotel at 3808 Quebec St.
Jon Emanuel, the Executive Chef at Project Angel Heart in Denver, and a Butchery Instructor with the Rocky Mountain Institute of Meat, will break down two parts of the front quarter of a bison, to show the ranchers and other conference attendees how to maximize the value of meat from those two segment. The two segments scheduled to be broken down are the shoulder clod and the chuck roll.
Dave Carter, executive director of the National Bison Association, explained, “Ranchers generally focus their attention on producing quality meat though good genetic selection, proper nutrition, and sound animal stewardship. We also know that much of the quality is determined as the carcass is transformed into the finished cuts of meat. We are pleased to have Chef Emanuel available to provide a demonstration.
The carcass breakdown will take place in the lower ballroom at the Renaissance Hotel, beginning at 9 a.m. The event is open to the public.
The shoulder clod and chuck roll are being donated by Frontiere Natural Meats in Denver, and the finished cuts will be donated to Project Angel Heart to be used in preparing nutritious meals for people coping with life-threatening illnesses.