USDA FSA working to include bison herds affected with
Mycoplasma losses in livestock assistance programs
Carcass disposal assistance also available
Producers Urged to Inform Local FSA Offices of Mycoplasma Related Death Losses
Leadership at USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) have responded to a request from National Bison Association to find a new path for relief for bison producers affected by Mycoplasma infection and mortality. In previous years, the FSA considered Mycoplasma to be a secondary infection in bison, which prevented producers from qualifying for reimbursement for death losses under the agency’s Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP). FSA is working now to reconsider that decision. At the FSA’s request, the Center of Excellence for Bison Studies (BisonCOE) at SDSU is providing aggregated data to inform that decision.
FSA Administrator Zac Ducheneaux said this week that the agency is looking at the program requirements for LIP, and for the Emergency Livestock Assistance Program (ELAP), in hopes that coverage can be provided for impacted producers. Ducheneaux urged impacted livestock producers to immediately notify their local FSA office (either by email, or by phone followed up with an email) of death losses incurred because of Mycoplasma. That will provide the agency with important evidence documenting the extent of the losses within the bison industry.
“For now, please encourage any of your producers to notify their local FSA office of any and all losses as soon as possible and keep them updated as to further losses they may sustain and ask for an ELAP application,” he said. Also, if there is overlap of Mycoplasma losses with drought, the USDA requests that that be documented as well to assist with ELAP. Drought conditions for your area over the past year can be determined using the comparison Drought Monitor online tool:
Dave Carter, NBA executive director, said, “Documenting the extent of Mycoplasma losses is an important step in documenting the severity of this disease in bison herds. That’s why it is important for producers to contact their FSA office and file an ELAP claim.”
The director of research for the Bison COE, Dr. Jeff Martin, added, “We are excited to assist the bison industry in this way. We look forward to contributing in such a large and positive way that identifies some relief for bison managers while research advances to discover more effective vaccines and treatments.”
Carcass Disposal Assistance Available
USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has carcass disposal assistance available under the name “Emergency Animal Morality Management” as part of Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), and has four practice options:
· Burial
· Carcass disposal other than burial
· Incineration
· Disposal at landfill or render
Eligibility Information for EQIP
Agricultural producers and owners of nonindustrial private forestland and Tribes are eligible to apply for EQIP. Eligible land includes cropland, rangeland, pastureland, nonindustrial private forestland and other farm or ranch lands. To receive assistance, both an application and approved early start waiver must be filed with the local NRCS field office prior to disposal of animal carcasses. Additionally, producers must have farm records established with the Farm Service Agency (FSA), meet all eligibility requirements, and have application filed at the local NRCS. Prior to payment, a mortality certification is required by a veterinarian or an animal health specialist.