Bison Producers’ Handbook, electronic/ version


Non-Member price: $20.00
Member price: One copy free.
Publisher: National Bison Association Format: paperback Length: 300 pages

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Considered the lead resource for bison production, this comprehensive book is packed with information for veteran bison producers and newcomers alike. More than 30 industry experts have collaborated to develop useful, read- able information on all aspects of bison marketing and production. The 2nd edition expands on and updates the 1st edition to provide the most current information and practices. “An essential source of information for people getting started in the bison industry. It is also a valuable reference for established bison producers.” – Dr. Temple Grandin.



Non-Member price: $20.00
Member price: One copy free.
Publisher: National Bison Association Format: paperback Length: 300 pages

To download EPUB, you will need some kind of e-reader application to read it, such as the following:


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Considered the lead resource for bison production, this comprehensive book is packed with information for veteran bison producers and newcomers alike. More than 30 industry experts have collaborated to develop useful, read- able information on all aspects of bison marketing and production. The 2nd edition expands on and updates the 1st edition to provide the most current information and practices. “An essential source of information for people getting started in the bison industry. It is also a valuable reference for established bison producers.” – Dr. Temple Grandin.


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