What is the CMP?
The CMP provides bison farmers and ranchers the ability to monitor and document their conservation practices to both improve and exhibit how their work positively impacts the bison, the land they're on, and the people around them. The simple web app based interface allows all producers to manage and measure their conservation efforts effectively. |
How does the CMP help my operation?
This program will help managers of all experience levels increase their conservation effectiveness and help them engage with a wide variety of like-minded managers and thereby take their operations to even higher levels of conservation success. See the following approved "Master Steward" applications for an example of an ideal Conservation Steward: |
How can I get started?
The CMP is exclusively available to NBA members in good standing as a web-based desktop program in collaboration with HerdDogg, which can be accessed at https://bison.herddogg.com/login. Email jim@bisoncentral.com for the pilot code. |
What is the cost?
We believe that good conservation practices provide great benefits to all involved, and that good conservation practices don't cost - they pay through your return on this investment. New applicants pay a one-time $250 application fee, with annual renewals costing $100/year. |
What if I need help?
The NBA staff and HerdDogg support team is here to help you with any questions you have on the Conservation Management Plan. You can always contact the NBA at (303) 292-2833, or email jim@bisoncentral.com. For technical assistance, please contact HerdDogg support at 833-437-3364, or NBA-support@herddogg.com. |
Download the NBA Bison App and get started on the Conservation Management Plan
Email jim@bisoncentral.com for pilot code.
Android: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.herddogg.bisonapp
Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-bison-app/id1470531054
Get the Pilot Code at https://bisoncentral.com/production-resources/