National Bison Assn. Moves Winter Events to Rapid City
Bison Show and Sale, Membership Meeting Set for Feb. 18-20
WESTMINSTER, CO (November 10, 2020) – With the National Western Stock Show in Denver postponed for a year, the National Bison Association has teamed up with the Dakota Territory Buffalo Association (DTBA) to plan its annual live bison show and sale, along with its winter membership meeting for February 18-20, 2021 in Rapid City, SD.
“The Gold Trophy Show and Sale, and our Winter Conference, are vital business activities for our association,” said Jim Matheson, assistant director of the National Bison Association. “Working with the leadership of the Dakota Territory Buffalo Association, we’ve been able to plan an event that will provide a safe way for members to gather and to conduct our show and sale, while also providing an opportunity for people to participate in both the conference and the sale virtually as well.”
The annual Gold Trophy Show and Sale conducted by the bison association is recognized as the leading showcase for quality bison breeding stock in the U.S. Similarly, the DTBA’s performance tested “Girlz Gone Wild” yearling heifer competition provides ranchers with the opportunity to purchase young animals with proven quality. The two events will be combined into one simulcast auction on February 20th. Judging for the two events will take place the day before.
The national association and its regional counterpart have also collaborated to organize a joint conference with individual association membership meetings. That event is scheduled at the Ramkota Inn in Rapid City for February 19-20.
Matheson noted, “We are planning the meeting in a manner that will allow everyone to participate safely in person, or to log on and participate on-line.”
He said that details for the Show and Sale, and the Winter Conference are being posted on the bison association website,, as they are finalized.